Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I think that living her is a practice in control. And by that I mean lack of control. It’s amazing how much I don’t pay attention to words anymore. The ability to ease drop here is impossible and by not being able to comprehend my surroundings has resulted in my loss of control. I’ve always been pretty easy going with what’s going on around me; however, this has reached new heights of easy going. But I guess is it really easy going when I’m unable to have any choice in the matter? Hard to say.
Today I figured out that I can walk to the climbing gym from my school. It’s like a 15 minute walk. I’m pretty excited that I’m beginning to really know my way around this massive city. I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve been climbing pretty often and am beginning to recognize a lot of faces. I’m hoping to not be completely out of shape when I return to the states and not to mention that I leave for the Galapagos soon.

21 de julio
Today I took my final. I can tell I feel at home here because my final felt normal-I didn’t care about it. I think they should have finals at the beginning of the term. We’re much more focused at the beginning of the term. When I’m a teacher I’ll try to remember that. 

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