Friday, August 19, 2011

Real Chicken Soup

Real Chicken Noodle Soup
I'm going to apologize a head of time. This entry is going to be short and I feel bad because it's been awhile since I updated. Life here is busy and I have limited time left so I've been devoting it to my Ecuadorian friends and family.


I'm going to miss constant fresh fruit

 This past weekend we all went to Baños. Brooke and I had previously gone to Baños so this past trip wasn't such a huge deal to me. I was, however, glad to return. I love that little city and the people are all so calm and enjoy talking to new people. It's nice to get away from the busy streets of Quito and relax.
We spent most of our time hiking to see the rivers and waterfalls of this beautiful area. During the night we would go to the night clubs and dance until our feet couldn't take it anymore. I had a lot of really fun conversations with a lot of really random people. It's nice here because they talk slower so their Spanish is pretty easy to understand. They also don't have strong accents so it's even easier to understand them. We went to the Coast (Adacames) and the people from Esmeraldas have such a strong accent that it's nearly impossible to understand sometimes. They like to combine all their words. 

I've been climbing at one of the local climbing gyms, Mono Dedo, a ton. I don't know why, but I've been really motivated to get back into shape. Maybe it's because I'm out of school for good at the end of next week and realize that I can actually devote time to climbing now without having to take large breaks for school. Either way I'm very excited. My friend Pedro invited me to go climbing outside with him this weekend. I'm really excited to be able to experience real rock. It's going to be ropes...we'll see how that goes. I've only been bouldering since I've been here so I'm a little nervous, but really excited all the same. Hopefully the rock is of really good quality so I can add that to my list of reasons why I will be returning to this country!

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